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Back in early autumn 2015 my interest was sparked by a post on Slashdot that linked to an article on It discussed three Open Source projects relating to COBOL; a compile in GnuCOBOL, a COBOL IDE in OpenCOBOL IDE, and a Node.js to COBOL bridge.
Having been programming since the early eighties (BASIC on the Sinclair ZX-81 and ZX-Spectrum, Tandy TRS-80, Amstrad PCW, IBM PC and Atari ST) and then gone on to learn programming at University (Pascal, C, Ada, OCCAM), I was intrigued to find out that people were still writing COBOL and still actively developing tools for the language; after all as far as I knew the language was already considered a relic the Eighties. Most surprising was to find out that the latest official specification for the ISO standard of COBOL was COBOL 2014!
Having been doing it since the late 90s, I'd become a little bored with web development (or rather writing applications for the web) for some time. 20s years of doing it has lead to me being really not that excited by the latest you just struggle for ages with npm to get this amazing JavaScript framework installed and then look it's easy and amazing and also a little jaded at whether Python, or Ruby, or PHP, or Perl, or Drupal, or WordPress, or Node, or React.js, or Angular, or whatever, really is what I should be using to deliver yet another website for yet another person or company with year another great idea. I think you get the point.
So the idea of going back in time and back to basics and learning a programming language that had quite a different beginning and different paradigm to others I've used and one that I'd never looked at before really appealed to me. In addition, one that I could write straight-forward programs that had no layered APIs and frameworks and allowed me to interact directly with the screen, keyboard, and other input-output devices also appealed. So I thought to myself, 'why not learn COBOL?'; and that's just what I did!
Briefly, because you can read about this on Wikipedia, COBOL was devised by CODASYL way back in 1958 and the first specification released in 1960. Grace Hopper (who is also purportedly the first person to debug a computer (there was literally a moth stuck in a relay of a Harvard Mark II computer)) is accredited as being the main influence behind COBOL through her previous work with FLOW-MATIC. Anyway, the long and the short of it was that it was a comittee formed of members from US government and industry that undertook the development of an open specification for a programming language that would be cross-platform.
By around 1974 COBOL was the most widely used programming language in the World and had become an ANSI standard (in fact was on it's third incarnation, COBOL-74). Since then there have been three subsequent major versions, ANSI-85, ISO-2002 and ISO-2014.
Anyway, as I said there's plenty of information on-line about that, so I won't go on.
One of the key oddities of COBOL for programmers of other computer languages, and the computer science community in general, is that it's design principals, which included making the code human-readable, means that it does things in quite a different way to most languages, and therefore stands alone.
Here's a version of the Hello World program written using OpenCOBOL IDE for COBOL 85. Note I used lower case syntax for keywords rather than the older use of UPPER CASE; either is acceptable in COBOL. The line numbers are there for reference and aren't part of the program.
program-id. HelloWorld. procedure division. display "Hello World!".
Let's look at the same program using classic COBOL with upper case and line numbering:
00001 ****************************************************************** 00002 * Author: Mike Harris 00003 * Date: 27th April 2016 00004 * Purpose: To demonstrate the Hello World program in COBOL 00005 * Compiler: cobc 00006 ****************************************************************** 00010 IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. 00011 PROGRAM-ID. HELLO-WORLD. 00100 ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. 00110 PROCEDURE DIVISION. 00120 MAIN-PROCEDURE. 00130 DISPLAY "Hello world" 00140 STOP RUN. 00150 END PROGRAM HELLO-WORLD.
This format is called fixed format and was suitable for punch cards; other programming languages, such as FORTRAN, also originally used this style of format.
I prefer the more modern approach, called free format, and also prefer including some of the keywords that, although aren't required, do I think make the program more readable. For example:
identification division. program-id. HelloWorld. procedure division. display "Hello World!" stop run . end program HelloWorld.
Okay, let's now look at something bigger. The following is a possible solution to the Monty Hall problem. The listing is first and then I'll explain it to you:
identification division. program-id. MontyHall. data division. working-storage section. 01 CurrentTime. 02 filler pic 9(4). 02 Seed pic 9(4). 01 DoorThatHasCar pic 9. 01 DoorPlayerChooses pic 9. 01 Round pic 9(4). 01 NumberOfRoundsToPlay constant 1000. 01 WinsWhenNotSwapping pic 9(3) value zero. 01 WinsWhenSwapping pic 9(3) value zero. procedure division. accept CurrentTime from time compute DoorThatHasCar = function random(Seed) perform with test after varying Round from 1 by 1 until Round equal to NumberOfRoundsToPlay compute DoorThatHasCar = (function random * 3) + 1 compute DoorPlayerChooses = (function random * 3) + 1 if DoorThatHasCar equal to DoorPlayerChooses then add 1 to WinsWhenNotSwapping else add 1 to WinsWhenSwapping end-if end-perform display "Results" display "-------" display "After playing " Round " rounds ..." display "Times correct door selected after swapping: " WinsWhenSwapping display "Times correct door selected without swapping: " WinsWhenNotSwapping display spaces evaluate true when WinsWhenNotSwapping greater than WinsWhenSwapping display "Conclusion is that it's better not to swap." " Which doesn't make much sense, but hey!" end-display when WinsWhenNotSwapping equal to WinsWhenSwapping display "There's no conclusion; they are equal outcomes." " Which shouldn't really be the case." end-display when other display "Conclusion is that it's better to swap." " This makes sense as the probability in the first round of getting" " the correct door is 1/3; whereas in the second, it's 1/2." end-display end-evaluate stop run. end program MontyHall.
I've been involved in running an event called BarnCamp for some years now. We had a website, built in Ruby-on-Rails, that captures sign-ups and can export them in CSV format. We needed some way on site of tracking who had arrived on what day, whether they'd paid and how much on site. In the past we'd used a spreadsheet for this, but in 2017 I decided to try an application dedicated to the task.
This application needed to solve the following needs:
I implemented the BarnCamp Attendees Management System (BAMS) in GNU COBOL to provide a solution for the event. This application used lots of COBOL features, including:
identification division. program-id. BAMS. environment division. configuration section. special-names. crt status is CommandKeys. alphabet mixed is " ZzYyXxWwVvUuTtSsRrQqPpOoNnMmLlKkJjIiHhGgFfEeDdCcBbAa". class HexNumber is "0" thru "9", "A" thru "F", "a" thru "f". repository. function all intrinsic. input-output section. file-control. select optional AttendeesFile assign to AttendeesFileName organization is indexed access mode is dynamic record key is AuthCode of AttendeeRecord file status is DataFileStatus. select optional BackupFile assign to BackupFileName organization is line sequential. data division. file section. fd AttendeesFile. copy DD-Attendee replacing Attendee by ==AttendeeRecord. 88 EndOfAttendeesFile value high-values==. fd BackupFile. copy DD-Attendee replacing Attendee by ==BackupRecord. 88 EndOfBackupFile value high-values==. working-storage section. 01 AddAttendeeFlag pic 9 value 0. 88 AddAttendeeFlagOn value 1 when set to false is 0. 01 AttendeesFileName pic x(20). 01 BackupFileName pic x(20). 01 DataFileStatus pic x(2). 88 Successful value "00". 88 RecordExists value "22". 88 NoSuchRecord value "23". 01 AttendeesTable. copy DD-Attendee replacing 01 by 02 Attendee by ==Attendee occurs 1 to 200 times depending on NumberOfAttendees ascending key is Name ascending key is Email ascending key is AuthCode indexed by AttendeeIndex==. 01 AuthCodeToSearchFor pic x(6) value all "0". 01 BarnCampStats. 02 PeopleOnSite pic 999 value zero. 02 PeopleSignedUp pic 999 value zero. 02 PeopleStayingTillMonday pic 999 value zero. 02 PeopleToArrive pic 999 value zero. 02 PeopleToArriveToday pic 999 value zero. 02 PeopleToBeOnSiteToday pic 999 value zero. 02 KidsOnSite pic 99 value zero. 02 KidsToArrive pic 99 value zero. 02 KidsToArriveToday pic 99 value zero. 02 TotalEstimatedAttendees pic 999 value zero. 02 TotalEstimatedKids pic 99 value zero. 01 EmailToSearchFor pic x(40) value spaces. 01 EventTable. 02 EventFileName pic x(20) value "attendees.dat". 02 EventName pic x(30) value "BarnCamp". 02 EventNamePosition pic 99 value 8. 01 NameToSearchFor pic x(25). 01 NumberOfAttendees pic 999. 01 Command pic x. copy DD-CommandKeys. 01 CommandLineArgumentCount pic 9 value zero. copy DD-Attendee replacing Attendee by ==CurrentAttendee==. 01 CurrentAttendeeNumber pic 999 value zero. 01 CurrentRow pic 99 value zero. 01 CurrentDayOfWeek pic 9 value zero. 01 DaysOfTheWeek value "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun". 02 DayOfTheWeek pic xxx occurs 7 times. 88 ValidDayOfWeek values "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun". 01 DefaultAmountToPay constant as 50. 01 FirstRecordToShow pic 999 value 1. 01 ColourScheme. 88 ColourSchemeIsMonochrome value 02. 88 ColourSchemeIsColour value 17. 02 BackgroundColour pic 9 value 0. 02 ForegroundColour pic 9 value 2. 01 LastRecordToShow pic 999 value 20. 01 PageOffset pic 999 value 1. 01 RecordsPerPage constant as 20. 01 RecordSelected pic 999. 01 RecordStatus pic 9 value 0. 88 RecordFound value 1 when set to false is 0. copy DD-ScreenHeader. screen section. 01 HomeScreen background-color BackgroundColour foreground-color ForegroundColour. 03 blank screen. 03 line 1 column 1 from ScreenHeader reverse-video. 03 line 5 column EventNamePosition from EventName. 03 line 7 column 34 value "Today is ". 03 line 7 column plus 1 from DayOfTheWeek(CurrentDayOfWeek). 03 line 10 column 5 value "Adults on site: ". 03 pic zzz9 line 10 column plus 3 from PeopleOnSite. 03 line 11 column 5 value "Adults to arrive: ". 03 pic zzz9 line 11 column plus 1 from PeopleToArrive. 03 line 12 column 5 value " " underline. 03 line 13 column 5 value "Total adults: ". 03 pic zzz9 line 13 column plus 2 from TotalEstimatedAttendees. 03 line 16 column 5 value "To arrive today: ". 03 pic zzz9 line 16 column plus 2 from PeopleToArriveToday. 03 line 17 column 5 value "To be onsite today: ". 03 pic zzz9 line 17 column minus 1 from PeopleToBeOnSiteToday. 03 line 19 column 5 value "Staying till Mon: ". 03 pic zzz9 line 19 column plus 1 from PeopleStayingTillMonday. 03 line 10 column 50 value "Kids on-site: ". 03 pic z9 line 10 column plus 5 from KidsOnSite. 03 line 11 column 50 value "Kids to arrive: ". 03 pic z9 line 11 column plus 3 from KidsToArrive. 03 line 12 column 50 value " " underline. 03 line 13 column 50 value "Total kids:". 03 pic z9 line 13 column plus 8 from TotalEstimatedKids. 03 line 16 column 45 value "Kids to arrive today: ". 03 pic z9 line 16 column plus 2 from KidsToArriveToday. 03 line 24 column 1 value "Commands: F2 List, F3 Add, F4 Edit, F9 Mono/Colour, F10 Exit " reverse-video. 03 line 24 column 78 to Command. 01 EditScreen background-color BackgroundColour foreground-color ForegroundColour. 03 blank screen. 03 line 1 column 1 from ScreenHeader reverse-video. 03 line 2 column 1 value "AuthCode:". 03 line 2 column 15 from AuthCode of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 2 column 76 value "#". 03 line 2 column plus 1 from CurrentAttendeeNumber. 03 line 4 column 1 value "Name:". 03 line 4 column 15 using Name of CurrentAttendee required. 03 line 6 column 1 value "Email:". 03 line 6 column 15 using Email of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 8 column 1 value "Telephone:". 03 line 8 column 15 using Telephone of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 10 column 1 value "Arrival day:". 03 line 10 column 15 from ArrivalDay of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 10 column plus 2 value "(Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat)". 03 line 12 column 1 value "Status:". 03 line 12 column 15 from AttendanceStatus of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 12 column plus 2 value "(A = arrived, C = coming, X = cancelled)". 03 line 14 column 1 value "Kids:". 03 pic 9 line 14 column 15 using NumberOfKids of CurrentAttendee required. 03 line 16 column 1 value "Pay amount:". 03 pic 999 line 16 column 15 using AmountToPay of CurrentAttendee required full. 03 line 18 column 1 value "Paid?:". 03 line 18 column 15 from PaymentStatus of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 20 column 1 value "Diet issues:". 03 line 20 column 15 using Diet of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 24 column 1 value "Commands: F1 Home; Toggle: F5 Arrival, F6 Status, F7 Paid; F8 Save " reverse-video. 03 line 24 column 78 to Command. 01 ListScreen background-color BackgroundColour foreground-color ForegroundColour. 03 blank screen. 03 line 1 column 1 from ScreenHeader reverse-video. 03 line 2 column 1 value "Num" underline. 03 line 2 column 6 value "Name" underline. 03 line 2 column 31 value "Email" underline. 03 line 2 column 71 value "AuthCode" underline. 03 line 24 column 1 value "Commands: F1 Home, PgUp/PgDown to scroll, Enter number and press ENTER " reverse-video. 01 SearchScreen background-color BackgroundColour foreground-color ForegroundColour. 03 blank screen. 03 line 1 column 1 from ScreenHeader reverse-video. 03 line 2 column 1 value "Enter AuthCode, Name, or Email and search - F2 to list all attendees:". 03 line 4 column 1 value "AuthCode: ". 03 line 4 column plus 2 to AuthCodeToSearchFor. 03 line 6 column 1 value "Name: ". 03 line 6 column plus 2 to NameToSearchFor. 03 line 8 column 1 value "Email: ". 03 line 8 column plus 2 to EmailToSearchFor. 03 line 24 column 1 value "Commands: F1 Home, F2 List; Search: F5 AuthCode, F6 Name, F7 Email " reverse-video. 01 ViewScreen background-color BackgroundColour foreground-color ForegroundColour. 03 blank screen. 03 line 1 column 1 from ScreenHeader reverse-video. 03 line 2 column 1 value "AuthCode:". 03 line 2 column 15 from AuthCode of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 4 column 1 value "Name:". 03 line 4 column 15 from Name of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 6 column 1 value "Email:". 03 line 6 column 15 from Email of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 8 column 1 value "Telephone:". 03 line 8 column 15 from Telephone of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 10 column 1 value "Arrival day:". 03 line 10 column 15 from ArrivalDay of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 12 column 1 value "Status:". 03 line 12 column 15 from AttendanceStatus of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 14 column 1 value "Kids:". 03 line 14 column 15 from NumberOfKids of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 16 column 1 value "Pay amount:". 03 pic 999 line 16 column 15 from AmountToPay of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 18 column 1 value "Paid?:". 03 line 18 column 15 from PaymentStatus of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 20 column 1 value "Diet issues:". 03 line 20 column 15 from Diet of CurrentAttendee. 03 line 24 column 1 value "Commands: F1 Home, F4 Edit " reverse-video. 03 line 24 column 78 to Command. procedure division. Main section. perform EnableExtendedKeyInput perform LoadEventDetails perform SetupAttendeesDataFileName perform LoadDataFileIntoTable set ColourSchemeIsColour to true perform until CommandKeyIsF10 perform DisplayHomeScreen end-perform stop run . EnableExtendedKeyInput section. set environment 'COB_SCREEN_EXCEPTIONS' to 'Y' set environment 'COB_SCREEN_ESC' to 'Y' . LoadEventDetails section. compute EventNamePosition = 40 - (length(trim(EventName)) / 2) . SetupAttendeesDataFileName section. accept CommandLineArgumentCount from argument-number if CommandLineArgumentCount equal to 1 then accept AttendeesFileName from argument-value else move EventFileName to AttendeesFileName end-if . LoadDataFileIntoTable section. move zeroes to AuthCode of AttendeeRecord start AttendeesFile key is greater than AuthCode of AttendeeRecord open input AttendeesFile read AttendeesFile next record at end set EndOfAttendeesFile to true end-read if not EndOfAttendeesFile then perform with test before varying NumberOfAttendees from 1 by 1 until EndOfAttendeesFile move AttendeeRecord to Attendee(NumberOfAttendees) read AttendeesFile next record at end set EndOfAttendeesFile to true end-read end-perform end-if close AttendeesFile sort Attendee on descending key Name of Attendee collating sequence is mixed . DisplayHomeScreen section. perform SetupHomeScreenStats accept HomeScreen from crt end-accept evaluate true when CommandKeyIsF2 perform ListAttendees perform EditAttendee when CommandKeyIsF3 perform AddAttendee when CommandKeyIsF4 perform SearchAttendees when CommandKeyIsF9 if ColourSchemeIsMonochrome then set ColourSchemeIsColour to true else set ColourSchemeIsMonochrome to true end-if end-evaluate . SetupHomeScreenStats section. accept CurrentDayOfWeek from day-of-week initialize PeopleSignedUp, PeopleOnSite, PeopleToArrive, PeopleToArriveToday, KidsOnSite, KidsToArrive, KidsToArriveToday perform varying CurrentAttendeeNumber from 1 by 1 until CurrentAttendeeNumber equal to NumberOfAttendees evaluate true when AttendeeArrived of Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) add 1 to PeopleOnSite add NumberOfKids of Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) to KidsOnSite if CanStayTillMonday of Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) then add 1 to PeopleStayingTillMonday end-if when AttendeeComing of Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) add 1 to PeopleToArrive add NumberOfKids of Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) to KidsToArrive if ValidDayOfWeek(CurrentDayOfWeek) and ArrivalDay of Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) is greater than or equal to DayOfTheWeek(CurrentDayOfWeek) then add 1 to PeopleToArriveToday add NumberOfKids of Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) to KidsToArriveToday end-if end-evaluate add 1 to PeopleSignedUp add PeopleToArriveToday to PeopleOnSite giving PeopleToBeOnSiteToday end-perform add PeopleToArrive to PeopleOnSite giving TotalEstimatedAttendees add KidsToArrive to KidsOnSite giving TotalEstimatedKids . ListAttendees section. sort Attendee on descending key Name of Attendee collating sequence is mixed move zero to PageOffset perform until CommandKeyIsF1 or CommandKeyIsEnter display ListScreen add 1 to PageOffset giving FirstRecordToShow move 3 to CurrentRow add PageOffset to RecordsPerPage giving LastRecordToShow perform varying CurrentAttendeeNumber from FirstRecordToShow by 1 until CurrentAttendeeNumber greater than LastRecordToShow or CurrentAttendeeNumber equal to NumberOfAttendees display CurrentAttendeeNumber at line CurrentRow background-color BackgroundColour foreground-color ForegroundColour end-display display Name of Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) at line CurrentRow column 6 background-color BackgroundColour foreground-color ForegroundColour end-display display Email of Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) at line CurrentRow column 31 background-color BackgroundColour foreground-color ForegroundColour end-display display AuthCode of Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) at line CurrentRow column 71 background-color BackgroundColour foreground-color ForegroundColour end-display display AttendanceStatus of Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) at line CurrentRow column 80 background-color BackgroundColour foreground-color ForegroundColour end-display add 1 to CurrentRow end-perform accept RecordSelected at line 24 column 78 foreground-color ForegroundColour evaluate true also true when CommandKeyIsPgDn also LastRecordToShow is less than NumberOfAttendees add RecordsPerPage to PageOffset when CommandKeyIsPgUp also PageOffset is greater than or equal to RecordsPerPage subtract RecordsPerPage from PageOffset end-evaluate end-perform if CommandKeyIsEnter and RecordSelected greater than zero and RecordSelected is less than or equal to NumberOfAttendees then move Attendee(RecordSelected) to CurrentAttendee move RecordSelected to CurrentAttendeeNumber set RecordFound to true set AddAttendeeFlagOn to false else set RecordFound to false end-if . EditAttendee section. if not RecordFound then exit section end-if perform until CommandKeyIsF1 or CommandKeyIsF8 accept EditScreen from crt end-accept evaluate true when CommandKeyIsF8 perform SaveAttendee perform ViewAttendee when CommandKeyIsF7 evaluate true when AttendeePaid of CurrentAttendee set AttendeeNotPaid of CurrentAttendee to true when AttendeeNotPaid of CurrentAttendee set AttendeePaid of CurrentAttendee to true end-evaluate when CommandKeyIsF5 evaluate true when ArrivalDayIsWednesday of CurrentAttendee set ArrivalDayIsThursday of CurrentAttendee to true when ArrivalDayIsThursday of CurrentAttendee set ArrivalDayIsFriday of CurrentAttendee to true when ArrivalDayIsFriday of CurrentAttendee set ArrivalDayIsSaturday of CurrentAttendee to true when ArrivalDayIsSaturday of CurrentAttendee set ArrivalDayIsWednesday of CurrentAttendee to true end-evaluate when CommandKeyIsF6 evaluate true when AttendeeComing of CurrentAttendee set AttendeeArrived of CurrentAttendee to true when AttendeeArrived of CurrentAttendee set AttendeeCancelled of CurrentAttendee to true when AttendeeCancelled of CurrentAttendee set AttendeeComing of CurrentAttendee to true end-evaluate end-evaluate end-perform . SaveAttendee section. perform CreateTimeStampedBackupFile open i-o AttendeesFile evaluate true when AddAttendeeFlagOn add 1 to CurrentAttendeeNumber set NumberOfAttendees to CurrentAttendeeNumber move CurrentAttendee to Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) write AttendeeRecord from Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) when not AddAttendeeFlagOn move CurrentAttendee to Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) rewrite AttendeeRecord from Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) end-evaluate close AttendeesFile . CreateTimeStampedBackupFile section. move concatenate(formatted-current-date("YYYYMMDDThhmmss"), ".bak") to BackupFileName open output BackupFile perform varying CurrentRow from 1 by 1 until CurrentRow equal to NumberOfAttendees move Attendee(CurrentRow) to BackupRecord write BackupRecord end-perform close BackupFile . ViewAttendee section. perform until CommandKeyIsF1 accept ViewScreen end-accept evaluate true when CommandKeyIsF4 perform EditAttendee end-evaluate end-perform . AddAttendee section. initialize CurrentAttendee call "createAuthCode" using by reference AuthCode of CurrentAttendee move DayOfTheWeek(CurrentDayOfWeek) to ArrivalDay of CurrentAttendee set AttendeeArrived of CurrentAttendee to true set AttendeeNotPaid of CurrentAttendee to true move DefaultAmountToPay to AmountToPay of CurrentAttendee set AddAttendeeFlagOn to true set RecordFound to true perform EditAttendee . SearchAttendees section. initialize CurrentAttendee set RecordFound to false perform until CommandKeyIsF1 or CommandKeyIsF2 or CommandKeyIsF5 or CommandKeyIsF6 or CommandKeyIsF7 accept SearchScreen from crt end-accept evaluate true when CommandKeyIsF2 perform ListAttendees when CommandKeyIsF5 perform SearchByAuthCode when CommandKeyIsF6 perform SearchByName when CommandKeyIsF7 perform SearchByEmail end-evaluate end-perform if RecordFound then perform EditAttendee end-if . SearchByAuthCode section. if AuthCodeToSearchFor is not HexNumber then exit section end-if search Attendee when upper-case(AuthCode of Attendee(AttendeeIndex)) is equal to upper-case(AuthCodeToSearchFor) perform SetCurrentAttendeeToFound end-search . SearchByName section. search Attendee when upper-case(Name of Attendee(AttendeeIndex)) is equal to upper-case(NameToSearchFor) perform SetCurrentAttendeeToFound end-search . SearchByEmail section. search Attendee when upper-case(Email of Attendee(AttendeeIndex)) is equal to upper-case(EmailToSearchFor) perform SetCurrentAttendeeToFound end-search . SetCurrentAttendeeToFound section. set CurrentAttendeeNumber to AttendeeIndex move Attendee(CurrentAttendeeNumber) to CurrentAttendee set RecordFound to true . end program BAMS.
For the rest of the code listings, refer to the GitHub project page for BAMS.